Saturday, May 29, 2004

Symptomatology of Dying

Some of the symptoms of dying that I have mentioned in previous posts:

One to three months prior to death:
-Spiritual Distress
-Nausea & Vomiting
-Fatigue/increased need for sleep
-withdrawal from the world and from people (increased introspection / talking less)
-malodorous wounds

One to two weeks prior to death:
-Picking at Clothes / Tubing
-Seeing / Talking to the Deceased
-Terminal Restlessness/Agitation
-decreased blood pressure
-increased or decreased pulse
-skin color changes – pale or blue
-increased perspiration / body temperature changes
-sleeping most of the time

Days or Hours prior to death:
-Fixed stare (Eyes glassy, tearing, half or fully open)
-Death rattle
-Wavering level of consciousness
-surge of energy / restlessness or no activity
-irregular breathing / periods of apnea
-weak pulses / cool extremities
-decreased urine output & incontinence
-cannot be awakened

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